• What is the benefit of the Mastercard Automatic Billing Updater service?

    Mastercard’s Automatic Billing Updater, at no cost to you, helps reduce transaction declines that occur due to changed account numbers and expiration dates.

    *You are still obligated to ensure that merchants have correct account information on file; failure to do so may result in a declined payment. Not all merchants participate in the ABU service.

  • How do I enroll to receive electronic statements and notices for business accounts?

    New business customers are automatically enrolled in online banking and electronic statements and notices. If you were not automatically enrolled, you can enroll anytime by:

  • How do I enroll to receive electronic Statements and notices for personal accounts?
    1. Log in to Online Banking. (You must first be enrolled in online banking. Learn how.)
    2. Click Profile on the navigation bar at the top of the page. This link will take you to a list of preferences. Go to Electronic Statements and click Edit.
    3. Select the account(s) you’d like to enroll in “eStatements.”
    4. Open the electronic statements terms and conditions link to view the Terms of Use Personal Online Banking Agreement.
    5. Read and check the box indicating you have read and accepted the electronic statements terms and conditions.
    6. Click Save.

    That’s it! Your checking account electronic statements and notices will be available as soon as your next statement cycle. (Depending on your statement cycle, you may receive one more paper statement.)

    If you would like to enroll an account you do not see listed, you can send First National a secure email by clicking the Secure eMail link in the upper right corner of Personal Online Banking. In the email, include the account number to enroll and the email address where you would like to receive notification that your electronic statement is available for viewing.

  • What is a contribution acknowledgment and when is it due?

    Each organization approved for a donation will be forwarded a contribution acknowledgment receipt for each donation awarded. The completed contribution acknowledgment receipt should be immediately returned to First National no later than 21 calendar days after receipt. Please note that any organizations with outstanding contribution acknowledgment receipts for previous awarded donations may have future donations requests pended or declined until the missing contribution acknowledgment receipts have been returned.

  • How will I know the result of my organization’s donation request?

    Organizations will be notified in writing following First National’s decision to award funding. Your organization may also receive a phone call or email regarding your request. Please make certain the correct contact information is listed on your Donation Request.

  • Are there any other excluded purposes for donations?

    First National will not contribute toward travel expenses for any individual or group, or towards any expense for an event being held outside Alaska. First National will never contribute funds to support illegal activities or for purposes that do not align with all local, state, and federal laws.

  • Can individuals apply for a donation?

    No. First National will neither contribute to nor make pledges on behalf of any individual. Only authorized representatives of a nonprofit organization may submit a donation request.

  • Is there a limit on the number of donation requests an organization can submit?

    Organizations should submit only one request per calendar year. Those wishing First National to consider multiple events, programs or opportunities should submit one consolidated request. In such instances, our consideration may require up to, but not limited to 180 days, before a decision is available.

  • What should we do if we sent a letter, Save the Date card or other request for our organization or event but did not hear back?

    First National cannot respond to all newsletter, fundraising letters, direct mail, save the dates or other informational opportunities shared with us. For your organization’s program or event to be considered you must submit a donation request using First National’s standard Donation Request form along with all required supporting documentation.

  • Our request was not funded. Is there any way to appeal the decision?

    No, there is no appeal process. However, your organization is welcome to make another request in a subsequent calendar year.

  • What organizations/entities are ineligible to receive a donation?
    • Individuals
    • Organizations without 501(c)(3) certification (fiscal sponsors with 501(c)(3) certification may be considered)
    • For-profit organizations
    • Fraternal organizations
    • Employment unions
    • Individual religious organizations, churches, synagogues, other religious sects or houses of worship
    • Any organizations that require participation in religious activities/ceremonies to receive services
    • Political organizations, campaigns, political candidates, or lobbyists
    • Organizations whose primary purpose is to influence legislation
    • Organizations associated with demonstrated or perceived criminal action, hate speech, political or social bias, etc.
    • Those requesting funding of general operations or unrestricted funds
    • Federal, state, or local governments (excluding public educational institutions or universities)
    • Organization capital projects, campaigns or pledge drives for projects with no specific program or public benefit
    • Organization capital projects, campaigns, or pledge drives for projects with less than 75% of the total project development costs raised
    • Book, magazine, or web-based publishing
    • Film, TV, radio, or video projects
    • Organizations whose mission or primary goal is to re-grant funding
    • Endowments
    • Organizations that discriminate, such as based on race, color, religion, national origin, sex, age, marital status, physical handicap, familial status or other prohibited basis
    • Organizations based outside of Alaska that do not have a local chapter offering programs that benefit First National’s communities 
  • Why would a request not be funded?

    First National retains the right to decline a donation request for any reason. First National’s Donations Committee will review and consider all formal, written requests according to bank policies and procedures.

    First National’s policies of non-discrimination apply to all charitable donation requests. Donation requests will be considered without regard to race, color, religion, national origin, sex, age, marital status, physical handicap, familial status or other prohibited bases.